How to set a Valheim server password

Valheim Server Password

By default, your Valheim server is open to the public. You can change this by setting a password. This guide will show you how to do that in a few simple steps.

Setting a password

  1. Start your server
  2. Pause your server
  3. Open your server's files
  4. Edit the gameserver/valheim_config file
  5. Find the line saying -password "squadnox"
  6. Replace squadnox with a password that is at least 5 characters long!
  7. Save the file
  8. Restart your server

Example config file

Here is an example of how your valheim_config file could look like:

-name "Free Squadnox server"
-password "YourSuperSecurePassword"
-port 2456
-world "Dedicated"

Password length requirements

Make sure your password is at least 5 characters long. Otherwise, your server cannot start and instead you will see an error message like this:

11/18/2024 16:06:21: Error bad password:The password is too short