Project Zomboid mod installation
The Project Zomboid Steam Workshop contains thousands of mods. This guide will show you how to install them on your server.
Pick mods
- Go to the Project Zomboid Steam Workshop
- Pick the mods you want to install
- Note down the Steam
Workshop IDs
and theMod IDs
- In case it's a map, also note down the
Map Folder
Hint: The Steam Workshop ID
, Mod ID
and Map Folder
name, can usually be found in the mods description.
Install mods
- Start your server
- Pause your server
- Open your server's files
- Edit the
file - Locate
and append the SteamWorkshop IDs
separated by semicolons - Locate
and append theMod IDs
separated by semicolons - If you installed a map mod, locate
and append theMap Folder
name - Save the file and restart your server
Finding Map Folder names
Sometimes the Map Folder
names are not mentioned in the mod description.
In that case, you can find them in the mod files under the following path:
gameserver/steamapps/workshop/content/108600/<Mod ID>/mods/<Mod Name>/media/maps/
Example config file
Here is an example how the WorkshopItems=
, Mods=
and Map=
lines would look like
with two mods installed, one of them being a map: