How to configure a Don't Starve Together auth token

Don't Starve Together auth token

The developers of Don't Starve Together, Klei Entertainment, require dedicated servers to have an auth token. Without an auth token, a server will not start and instead display an error message like this:

[00:00:08]: [200] Account Failed (6): "E_INVALID_TOKEN"
[00:00:08]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:00:08]: !!!! Your Server Will Not Start !!!!
[00:00:08]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:00:08]: No auth token could be found.
[00:00:08]: Please visit
[00:00:08]: to generate server configuration files
[00:00:08]: Alternatively generate a cluster_token you can
[00:00:08]: open the console from a logged-in game
[00:00:08]: client with the tilda key (~ / ù) and type:
[00:00:08]: TheNet:GenerateClusterToken()
[00:00:08]: This will create 'cluster_token.txt' in
[00:00:08]: your client settings directory. Copy this
[00:00:08]: into your cluster settings directory.

This guide will show you how to generate an auth token and configure it in the app.

Generating an auth token

  1. Visit the Klei server registration website
  2. Log into your Klei account
  3. Find the ADD NEW SERVER section
  4. Pick a unique Cluster Name so you can easily find and join your server
  5. Press the Add New Server button to register your server
  6. Press the Configure Server button
  7. Adjust the settings to your liking
  8. Press the Download Settings button to download a file

Setting an auth token

  1. Start your server
  2. Pause your server
  3. Open the Config screen in the app
  4. Upload your to .klei/DoNotStarveTogether
  5. Restart your server and start playing